Friday Evening Parallel Schedule

Parallel Session talks are each 5 minutes long, with 5-6 per  talks session presented during the first half hour of each session. Talks are listed in preferred order of presentation but may be presented in a different order if needed at the time of the session.  Time slots are not listed for each 5 minute talk within a session because we urge attendees to pick a single session to attend and listen to all presentations in that session, and not jump from session to session. We hope that this will promote group discussion.  Parallel sessions are thematically organized.

★ Indicates talk is part of the special session on Language Acquisition and Language Processing: Finding New Connections

Hour 1118:30BilingualismExperience and conceptual overlap modulate cross-language priming effectsAdel Chaouch-Orozco, Jorge González Alonso and Jason Rothman Abstract
Hour 1118:30BilingualismPseudorelatives and L1-AttritionAlexander Cairncross, Margreet Vogelzang and Ianthi Tsimpli Abstract
Hour 1118:30BilingualismAge effects in L2 processing of passive sentencesCandice Glenday, José Ferrari-Neto and Elisangela Nogueira Teixeira Abstract
Hour 1118:30Bilingualism★ A divergence between judgments and response times in L2 agreement attractionEun-Kyoung Rosa Lee and Colin Phillips Abstract
Hour 1118:30BilingualismMeaning, but not grammatical features, is cross-linguistically mask-primed in sentential contextsJeonghwa Cho and Jonathan Brennan Abstract
Hour 1118:30Bilingualism★ Monolingual and bilingual processing at the syntax-discourse interface: Evidence from the English dative alternationJoshua Weirick and Elaine Francis Abstract
Hour 1218:30Syntactic Processing★ Learning the generative principles of a linguistic system from limited examplesLei Yuan, Violet Xiang, David Crandall and Linda Smith Abstract
Hour 1218:30Syntactic ProcessingIf Memory Doesn't Serve: Timecourse of Syntactic Forgetting in Ellipsis and RecognitionCaroline Andrews Abstract
Hour 1218:30Syntactic ProcessingThe Structure of Antecedent Influences Processing of EllipsisHyosik Kim, Ming Xiang and Masaya Yoshida Abstract
Hour 1218:30Syntactic ProcessingI(nterpolated) Maze: High-sensitivity measurement of ungrammatical input processingPranali Vani, Ethan Wilcox and Roger Levy Abstract
Hour 1218:30Syntactic ProcessingTask influences on lexical underspecification: Insights from the Maze and SPRJohn Duff, Adrian Brasoveanu and Amanda Rysling Abstract
Hour 1218:30Syntactic ProcessingThe interaction of semantic information and parsing biases: An A-maze investigationXinwen Zhang and Jeffrey Witzel Abstract
Hour 1318:30Lexical ProcessingIs the relationship between word probability and processing difficulty linear or logarithmic?James Michaelov, Megan Bardolph, Seana Coulson and Benjamin Bergen Abstract
Hour 1318:30Lexical Processing★ Bridging language acquisition and processing via the integrated systems hypothesis: Evidence from self-paced reading of newly-learned words within sentential contextsLaura Morett, Sarah Hughes Berheim and Jack Shelley-Tremblay Abstract
Hour 1318:30Lexical Processing★ Perceptual connectivity influences toddlers' attention to known objects and subsequent label processingRyan Peters, Justin Kueser and Arielle Borovsky Abstract
Hour 1318:30Lexical ProcessingVirtual-World eye-tracking: The efficacy of replicating word processing effects remotelyZoe Ovans, Jared Novick and Yi Ting Huang Abstract
Hour 1418:30Grammar Acquisition★ Complex syntax and conversational turn-taking during toddler-adult picture book readingAnastasia Stoops, Jane Hwang, Mengqian Wu and Jessica L Montag Abstract
Hour 1418:30Grammar Acquisition★ Preferences for communicative efficiency in miniature languages are independent of learners' L1sLucy Hall Hartley and Masha Fedzechkina Abstract
Hour 1418:30Grammar Acquisition★ The role of L1 and L2 frequency in cross-linguistic structural priming: An artificial language learning studyMerel Muylle, Sarah Bernolet and Robert Hartsuiker Abstract
Hour 1418:30Grammar Acquisition★ Probability matching vs. regularization in contact-induced syntactic changeMing Xiang, Christine Gu, Yixue Quan, Weijie Xu and Suiping Wang Abstract
Hour 1418:30Grammar Acquisition★ When animacy trumps word order in sentence comprehension: The case of late first-language acquisitionQi Cheng, Sheila Price and Rachel Mayberry Abstract
Hour 1418:30Grammar Acquisition★ Distributed Morphology feature geometries crosslinguistically: Acquiring the copulaShiloh Drake Abstract
Hour 1518:30Predictive Processing★ Effects of word order on L1 and L2 semantic predictionCarrie Jackson, Holger Hopp and Theres Grüter Abstract
Hour 1518:30Predictive ProcessingModel-based estimates of predictability reveal brain's robust sensitivity to variation in semantic fit even among unexpected wordsJakub Szewczyk and Kara Federmeier Abstract
Hour 1518:30Predictive Processing★ Online cloze evidence for rapid use of lexical and grammatical cuesMasato Nakamura and Colin Phillips Abstract
Hour 1518:30Predictive Processing★ Children with hearing loss use semantic and syntactic cues for prediction in sentence comprehensionRebecca Holt, Benjamin Davies, Laurence Bruggeman and Katherine Demuth Abstract
Hour 1518:30Predictive ProcessingDoes reading unexpected words lead to engagement of cognitive control?Suzanne Jongman, Yaqi Xu and Kara Federmeier Abstract
Hour 1518:30Predictive ProcessingPrediction accuracy facilitates processing of visual word formYang Agnes Gao, Tamara Swaab and Matthew Traxler Abstract
Hour 1618:30Speech★ Putting the pieces together: Two-year-olds hearing an unfamiliar accent recognize known words and learn new words, but do not use known words to learn new wordsAlexander LaTourrette, Cynthia Blanco and Sandra Waxman Abstract
Hour 1618:30Speech★ Inside the wug-test: phonological well-formedness and processing costsCanaan Breiss Abstract
Hour 1618:30SpeechTalking, like, a Valley Girl? Online Processing of Sociolinguistic CuesDaisy Leigh, Judith Degen and Robert Podesva Abstract
Hour 1618:30SpeechStructural Priming in the Comprehension of Non-Native SpeechDouglas Getty and Scott Fraundorf Abstract
Hour 1618:30Speech★ Pre-schoolers process word onsets and codas similarly: A time-course analysisRosanne Abrahamse, Nan Xu Rattanasone, Katherine Demuth and Titia Benders Abstract
Hour 1618:30Speech★ Having to predict a (native or non-native) partner's utterance increases adaptation in L2Theres Grüter, Alice Zhu and Carrie N. Jackson Abstract
Hour 1718:30Lexical and Structural ProcessingDoes bilingual inhibitory control operate over structural representations?Andrea Seanez, Alejandra Fanith and Iva Ivanova Abstract
Hour 1718:30Lexical and Structural ProcessingBilingual language control in connected speechKyle Wolff and Iva Ivanova Abstract
Hour 1718:30Lexical and Structural ProcessingGap-filler dependencies are sensitive to islands: The case of Japanese relative clausesMaho Takahashi and Grant Goodall Abstract
Hour 1718:30Lexical and Structural Processing★ Verb Metaphoric Extension during Sentence ProcessingDaniel King and Dedre Gentner Abstract